ADI Health

Integrated Services


ADI Health provides a full array of diagnostic and comprehensive treatment services for ages 5 and above. So if you’re a family looking for non-drug treatments for your child, exploring the best combination of therapy & medication for school, or looking for couples therapy or coaching as an adult, we will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that fits your needs.


Psychiatry, Therapy,
& Med. Management

Therapy (Individual,
Couples, Family)

Yoga, Meditation, & Mindfulness Group



Psychological Testing
for ADHD / IEP

Executive Functions

& Homework Club

School Advocacy
& IEP Support


Psychiatry, Therapy, & Med. Management



At ADI Health, we prioritize providing an accurate diagnosis. New patients can expect to attend multiple visits to complete the diagnostic process, which will include a comprehensive evaluation of current and past symptoms, gathering information regarding conditions from outside resources, completion and review of assessment forms, and if necessary, psychological testing.

Your initial evaluation will consist of a two 60 minute comprehensive psychiatric and medical evaluation with a psychiatrist and nurse practitioner. During this visit additional medical records will be reviewed from your primary care provider, labs and diagnostic tests may be ordered, and if necessary a second follow-up appointment will be scheduled for treatment planning, which may include therapy, lifestyle modifications, diet/exercise, supplements, and/or medications.

Appointments with existing patients are typically 40 minutes long, consisting of preventive medicine counseling, comprehensive evaluation & management of treatment plans, and therapy.


Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy


We offer individual, couples, and family therapy and a wide range of groups.

Individual and/or group therapy will help facilitate new skills, develop strategies to manage symptoms, and further understand how your symptoms impact you and your family. The utilization of a clear behavioral plan with reinforcement at school that is implemented in a kindly manner can enhance an ADHD student's ability to learn. A behavioral plan in the classroom can not only teach desired behaviors, but provide the child with a structure within which s/he can perform well.

Parents that need more intensive help than that which can be provided by parent training classes may find a family therapist useful. Many parents have a need for emotional support beyond just receiving accurate and detailed educational information. A family therapist can play a fundamental role in sorting through issues and maintaining positive relationships within the family system.

We work with couples who want to restore connection and learn new ways to handle challenges they navigate in their relationship and life together. When one or both partners have ADHD or are parenting a child with ADHD, it’s helpful to understand how specific challenges can contribute to cycles of disconnection.




Clinical hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis, a trance like-state of focus and concentration, that is performed in a safe, calm, and therapeutic environment. It can be used to treat anxiety, phobias, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, undesirable spontaneous behavior, and bad habits. Hypnotherapy may also be used to help improve sleep, learning disorders, communication, and relationship issues. Hypnotherapy can also aid pain management.

Dave will serve as your guide in helping you achieve your desired goals. How? During the initial evaluation, you will agree upon your hypnotherapy goals and develop a treatment plan. Thereon, during each session, he will guide you into a relaxed, focused state and ask you to think about experiences and situations in positive ways that can help you change the way you think and behave. And unlike some dramatic portrayals of hypnosis in movies, books, or on stage, you will not be unconscious, asleep, or in any way out of control of yourself. You will hear the Dave’s suggestions, but it is up to you to decide whether or not to act on them.


School Advocacy
& IEP Support


We provide IEP support to parents of children in private or public school who need additional special education or 504 behavioral support through their school. We can help you navigate the IEP process and show you how to be an effective advocate for your child. In our role as Chicago’s child behavior experts, we can provide informed and documented assistance to both parents and the school. We help all parties work together to determine your child’s strengths and challenges, to develop an approved IEP and to track IEP implementation and results.

Parents utilizing IEP Support Services will:

  • Increase their knowledge and comfort level to advocate for their children regarding the special education (IEP) process

  • Have knowledgeable professionals working on behalf of their children

  • Receive guidance throughout the IEP Process


Executive Functions Coaching


Coaching is an intervention that complements medication and other non-pharmacologic alternatives. As a specialty within the broader field of coaching, ADHD coaching is a practical intervention that specifically targets the core impairments of ADHD such as planning, time management, goal setting, organization and problem solving.

Currently coaching is predominately used for college students and adults; however, at ADI Health we also offer these programs to children and adolescents with ADHD. These programs focus on working simultaneously and/or exclusively with parents so they can better understand and help their child cope with ADHD.


Insurance & Rates

ADI Health only accepts the following insurance providers and PPO plans (all other patients will be considered self-pay):

  • BCBS Illinois

  • Aetna

  • Cigna

It is your responsibility to inform the front office with the correct and most current information and pertinent details to ensure timely reimbursement for rendered services. If not, you will be required to pay out of pocket for all denied fees/services and will be required to file directly with your insurance provider. In addition, please check with your insurance company to make sure that your insurance carrier does not have a separate behavioral health carrier that is not on this list and/or if they require prior authorization for your visits. You are ultimately responsible for the balance on your account and for any professional services rendered.